What. Even.
The context is that Troi (and the rest of the crew) are devolving, and thus Deanna is sensitive to light and ends up in a bathtub (this episode is bizarro and there is little to no science in its fiction) and I guess this is her “comfort wear” but I honestly want to know why Deanna Troi would EVER.

I really have trouble believing she even owns a coffee-with-cream coloured pajama set, let alone that she would wear it in public.

And then there’s this Capital-L-Look. Which ALSO has cray context – an alien is sapping Deanna’s youth and vitality and she turns into a psychotic jealous vixen who ages rapidly – but that is no excuse for this skin tight see thru lace dress with a boob window.
Riker’s Are you for really wearing that tho? face says it all.

But as off-brand as this is for Deanna — it’s wholly reminiscent of her mother.
And I love that idea: Deanna turning into her mom when she is suddenly and inexplicably older and she needs to demand attention! That is using clothing to enhance the story and the characterization and I love it!!!!
[Plus: give me ALL the post-Nemesis Deanna moves from Maiden to Mother and Lwaxana moves from Mother to Crone-but-still-sexy-Grandma (and she is So Excited about it) headcanons and/or fashion sets MY GOD. Will and Deanna raising their own little one half on-board ship and half on Betazed where Lwaxana built that baby his/her own palace you KNOW IT.]