Well, this episode wasn’t boring. The “bidding” added this new level of competition and while I appreciate them adding stuff to make the 90 minutes worth watching it was more like something I’d watch on Survivor and that was weird? But not boring!
And in fact, even the most boring of the clothes is not boring to write about so let’s get to it:

The judges could not stop praising this jacket. It’s … fine? From the back I sort of get it:

That’s cool, and using the “unconventional materials”, so. Okay. But the dress is a throwaway and the jacket is nothing special from the front. As for the gown:

It’s not that she can’t actually walk in this. It’s that the dress + the styling means:

She’s a Genie in a Bottle, baby!
Like. Literally.
So that happened. Then this happened:

I think Tim was right that it looks like she is wearing a couch cushion but I think the judges were right that it is a solidly good look. I like Emily’s aesthetic because she makes clothes that look like the clothes I wore in college, and which I still wear.

Maybe it’s the presence of Alexander’s model, who I am in love with, but I really want this sweater. This is pretty much EXACTLY what I wore in college and I really like it and I want to wear it! And tbqh, the fact that Nina literally recoiled from the sweater rather than touch the fabric makes me want it MORE.

I know we are all supposed to hate Korina for being rude and entitled and generally awful but I’m sorry, Korina won this round. Korina’s outfit might be overworked (okay, it’s super overworked) and dated but it is editorial. It doesn’t look out of place on the runway. There is nothing to Char’s but a too-short skirt. It’s so muted and sad.

But Char absolutely deserves the win here. She made a simple dress that made an impact on the runway. And it even fit in with the rest of her team’s presentation. SMART. Meanwhile, Korina tried to do something completely different to prove a point and none of it got across.
I don’t think Char is the better designer but I also don’t think Korina is as better as she played it. She certainly shouldn’t have said what she did backstage and I can’t blame Char for feeling attacked.
I hope Korina apologizes/has apologized to Char for her behavior. I also hope Korina keeps doing her thing because Nina Garcia’s opinion isn’t the be all and end all of fashion, or life.

They claimed to be designing for Tokyo but I say GOTHAM. The soccer dress has a SERIOUS Soccer Mom turned Batfreak Villain vibe ESPECIALLY with that jacket and hairstyle. Like, not even a joke. She looks like a Batman villain. Let’s call her SockHer.
I am not a fan of Amanda’s skirt (Aeris likened it to a trash bag and it’s hard to argue against her) or really any of it (cool earrings, tho) (yes, that is a compliment for the Aldo wall, I can’t explain it either). And the ….pantsuit? girl can be SockHer’s lackey but that’s the best thing I can say about it.
Congrats Kini and Amanda, you are both almost assuredly going to the finals.
The final four I want: Emily, Amanda, Sean, Kini.
The final four I expect: Kini, Amanda, Sean, Char.